Take Action (Support Our Work)2022-12-16T20:42:15-05:00
Support Food 4 Farmers

You can make a difference.

Our ability to reach coffee-farming families depends on the generous support of our donors.

Your tax-deductible investment in our work has a direct impact on improving the quality of life for thousands of families throughout Latin America. You make it possible for them to put good food on the table every day of the year.

Sponsor a Program

Our Leadership donors ensure the sustainability of the entire projects, from start to finish. Contact us to explore opportunities.

Become a Sustaining Partner

Regular donations over time ensure ongoing critical resources, all year long. And a little goes a long way! Become a Sustaining Partner (at least $25 a month for individuals, at least $50 a month for businesses) and give coffee farmers the resources they need to produce fresh food, high quality honey, and use other on-farm strategies to improve income, nutrition, and local food systems.

Read the blog

Stay up to date! We’ll share progress and stories from our partners, fill you in on their challenges and achievements, and give you news about special promotions and other announcements.

Other ways you can help

Hold a Fundraiser or Co-Branded Promotion

From a special drink promotion, to selling burlap coffee bags, to boosting your next latte art throwdown with a fundraiser for Food 4 Farmers, your business can make a difference for coffee farming families! Be as creative as you like. We’ll supply you with materials, photos, and support.

We love co-branded promotions — it’s what coffee collaborations are all about. Your Food 4 Farmers co-branded product will raise awareness along with much-needed funds. Or, choose a dollar amount or percentage of coffee sales to donate. We’ve had great success and fun working with Brio Coffeeworks, 802 Coffee, Portland Coffee Roasters, Batdorf & Bronson, and Allegro Coffee Roasters, among other companies.

Contact Jennifer Staunton at jenn@food4farmers.org for details.

Set up an Employee Payroll Deduction Program

Get your whole team involved by inviting your employees to donate on a monthly basis with a payroll deduction. Contact Jennifer Staunton at jenn@food4farmers.org for details.

Join other giving efforts

1% For the PlanetWe’re proud to be a 1% for the Planet nonprofit partner. If your business is a member, please consider naming Food 4 Farmers as your beneficiary.  Everyone wins! For more information, please visit www.onepercentfortheplanet.org.

Amazon SmilePut your purchases to work for coffee-farming families. Set Food 4 Farmers as your charity of choice on Amazon and 0.5% of your purchase will go to support our workClick here to get started.

See Our List of Supporters

We are grateful for the help of all of our supporters. Find our supporter list here.

Spread the Word to Your World

No matter what the amount, your tax-deductible donation to Food 4 Farmers will help create long-term solutions to seasonal hunger and improve the quality of life for coffee-farming families and their communities. Share your commitment with your audience.

Follow us on FacebookLinkedIn & Instagram – share our story and your support!

Brio Coffee

Brio Coffeeworks has a coin drop at their locations & donates a portion of the proceeds from their coffee to our program with CESMACH.

Allegro Coffee

Allegro Coffee donated proceeds from their Café La Abeja blend to support our beekeeping work at Maya Ixil and ACODIHUE.

Read more here.

Our Commitment to Our Donors

Food 4 Farmers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.  This policy applies to all information we receive, both online and offline, including our website and mobile applications, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

Tax ID: 27-2267267 Food 4 Farmers is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.


Help coffee-farming families and their communities access locally grown nutritious food, every day.

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