
Our ability to reach coffee-farming families depends on the generous support of our donors.

Your gift helps coffee-farming families build lasting food security and better livelihoods.

If you prefer to donate by check, please send it to:
Food 4 Farmers
70 S Winooski Ave Ste 1W #312
Burlington, VT 05401 USA

Our Commitment to Our Donors

We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information we receive, both online and offline, including our website and mobile applications, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

Tax ID: 27-2267267 Food 4 Farmers is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Our ability to reach coffee-farming families depends on the generous support of our donors.

Your gift helps coffee-farming families build lasting food security and better livelihoods.


If you prefer to donate by check, please send it to:
Food 4 Farmers
70 S Winooski Ave Ste 1W #312
Burlington, VT 05401 USA

Our Commitment to Our Donors

We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information we receive, both online and offline, including our website and mobile applications, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

Tax ID: 27-2267267 Food 4 Farmers is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.