Three Generations, One Shared Journey For Change

2024-09-24T13:17:38-04:00September 24th, 2024|ACODIHUE, Agroecology, agroforestry, Arbor Day Foundation, Beekeeping, Blog, CESMACH, Climate Resilience, Coffee, Coffee Farmers, COMEPCAFE, Creating Opportunity, crop diversification, Economic empowerment, Farmers Market, Food 4 Farmers, Food Security, Home Gardens, honey production, Income diversification, Maya Ixil, SOPPEXCCA|

On this International Coffee Day, we celebrate not only the coffee that fills our cups but the hands and hearts behind it. This year’s theme, “embracing collaboration for collective

2024 Mid-Year Review

2024-08-15T17:13:45-04:00August 14th, 2024|ACODIHUE, Agroecology, agroforestry, Arbor Day Foundation, Beekeeping, Blog, CESMACH, Climate Resilience, Coffee, Coffee Farmers, COMEPCAFE, Creating Opportunity, crop diversification, Economic empowerment, Farmers Market, Food 4 Farmers, Food Security, Home Gardens, honey production, Income diversification, Maya Ixil, SOPPEXCCA|

The first half of 2024 has been a testament to the resilience and determination of Food 4 Farmers and our cooperative partners across Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Colombia. Despite

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